
some changes in blog scheme

i was updating my lists of books and the order that the widgets and lists in the sidebar are in, and i decided to take a look at the other templates that blogger offers. well, it was late, and i was tired, and thus i accidentally clicked on a save changes link when i didn't mean to, thus undoing the entire color scheme and much of the layout of my blog. it was enough to nearly send me running to wordpress or some other blogging program. but as it was late, and as i like the convenience of blogger as another google product, i stayed put and just made a few modifications to a similar template as my old one to personalize it just a little.

i'm not loving it, especially the blue i currently have selected for links. so i'll make a few more changes soon enough. if there's anything you love or hate (or that isn't showing up right in your browser), let me know before i go fiddling around with it again. while i'm at it, is the image at the top stretching the whole way across the box and staying in the frame in your browsers does anyone know how to get the image in the title bar to stretch to the right size for different screens and browsers? i like that blogger now lets you put images up there, but it only seems to upload it as a static image that doesn't conform to the size of the framegetting it to the right size was quite a challenge (or at least a lot of repeated effort).

and just for fun, if you're on blogger as well, let me know if there's another template that you think suits me better than this one.

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