
on my bookshelf

as i was updating the lists of books i'm reading and that i've read recently on my sidebar right now, i glanced through them and realized that i have nearly a dozen books that i am somewhere in the process of reading. three more books i ordered from amazon just arrived today and another is still on its way. not only do i have way too many books on my list of what i'm currently reading, most are staying on that list way too long. many of those books have been there for about six months. in the last month or two, i finally finished about five books, but instead of moving through the rest on my list i simply added more. they are all books i've begun, but haven't quite made my way through the end.

in general school has a detrimental effect on my reading. i always get behind in my reading for classes, and in my guilt, i then avoid reading other books for pleasure. this time through though it took me a bit of time to get past the effects of school and back into reading. last summer i read three or four books a week at times, and this year now that it's august, i've just started to read about that many in a month.

hopefully in the next week or two, before classes start back up again, i can post about the ones i've recently finished and maybe get through at least three or four more.

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