
A Deeper Shade of Blue

A Deeper Shade of Blue by Ruta Nonacs is one of those books that was in my stack of current-reads for at least six months. i started this book months ago but took my time getting through it, often putting it aside for weeks (or longer) at a time as i read other books.

Nonacs is the associate director of the center for women's health at massachussetts general hospital. part of the reason this book took me so long to finish was due to a recurring regret that we'd moved away from boston, each time i picked up the book i longed to be in boston.

through her writing, it's clear that Nonacs does not only possess a vast amount of knowledge and insight, but compassion and a true understanding of what depression is like for women.

since it took me so long to get through the book, there's a lot that i no longer remember well enough to comment on. but the book gives a ton of info on depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period, including how depression affects the family, causes and treatments, information about various medications, and ways to minimize the effects of depression.

as the content is not fresh in my mind, i'm certainly not doing this book justice. this book has a ton of excellent information for women in their childbearing years who suffer from depression and is an excellent resource. the amount of inormation may be overwhelming for someone in the midst of a depressive episode, so it's definitely a book to read while you're feeling well, and to have on hand as reference for the more difficult times.


yellowinter said...

i was recommended this book by my psychiatrist at the time, but i didn't want to read it because i had been in the midst of that time of blue. i'll have to pick it up one of these days.

why did this book make you miss boston?

j.p. said...

ah, i guess i wasn't clear enough. i missed boston b/c as Dr. Nonacs works at the women's unit of mgh, it made me wish i was still there and could have her as a doctor. especially when i began the book, months before i found a good doctor here.