
links pt. ii

in a post a little while back, i mentioned that i wondered whether i really wanted to have a list of links to sites that i read simply because they make me angry. while i feel it is only fair game to allow an opponent an open hearing in a debate, since those sites were all relating to subjects that i have yet to post about on this blog, it seemed rather random to have them there. plus, in the last few weeks, i have spent more time finding more sites of the same ilk, more that simply rile me up and make me angry. so either the list was going to expand exponentially, or i'd have to remove it. and i figure that until i'm ready to engage in debates on each of those subjects, it's not worth having them there. (ok, it's not that i'm not ready to engage in debates i'm just trying not to do so as often.) so if, in the future, for whatever reason i decide to argue against some of what is said on those sorts of websites, i will link to them individually in that particular post rather than simply keeping a list of them on the sidebar.

so, not that you would have noticed if i hadn't mentioned it, but that segment of the sidebar is now officially deleted.

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